The DISCO VET project come up with a data structure of course and content typology based on current European and national standards and new research. The resulting grid of extra metadata enabled a better mapping and manageability of their badges for VET, HE and CPD institutions.
Based on the grid, an open source displayer was developed, accompanied by a 30 hours course on open badges and DSCs targeted to the issuers and validators to support the implementation of the displayer platform in their institutions.
All public results will be shared on this page during the project.
Available results
- Report: Skills for open badges and digitally signed credentials in the new era
- Executive summary of the report in English
- Vezetői összefoglaló (Hungarian)
- Resumen Ejecutivo (Spanish)
- ΣΥΝΟΨΗ (Greek)
- Kopsavilkum (Latvian)
- Santrauka (Lithuanian)
- Grid of extra metadata as a base for development – not public
- Displayer Specification – not public
- Learning portal in Moodle
- 30 hours multimedia course for issuers and validators on the use of the displayer platform: Course on Open Badges and Digitally Signed Credentials is a 30 hours informal online course. It provides learners with the knowledge and tools to familiarize themself with the theoretical context as well as easy to follow step-by-step guides to create, issue and manage their own digital badges and certificates. available in English, Lithuanian, Greek, Spanish, Latvian and Hungarian. Learners can enrol the course by registering (it is free of any obligation) or by accessing the learning materials with a guest account.
- Displayer platform (open source) (IO2) called DIScoPLAYER or DcP. Registration as Earner is free. If you would like to register as Issuer, please send an e-mail to
- USER GUIDE to DIScoPLAYER platform
- Training of admin staff and lecturers/trainers on the use of the platform and open badges during a short-term staff training event. See report on the training here
- A Badge quality system, a guideline to evaluate the quality of their newly created badges
- Validation guidelines – not public
- Lessons Learned Kit (LLK): publications to share the results
- LLK1: Developing solutions for Digitally Signed Credentials and Open Badges in VET and Higher Education (pdf)
- LLK2: The DiscoVET approach: solutions, tools, and training (pdf)
- LLK3: Developing solutions for Digitally Signed Credentials and Open Badges in VET and Higher Education – multimedia edition (pdf)
Including videos below:
Lessons Learnt by the participants of the training on Digitally Signed Credentials and Open
Looking at the collaboration of the DISCO VET partnership
The significance of the DISCO VET project
- Evaluation report on validation of the DcP platform – not public
- 13 Multiplier events in Hungary, Spain, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia
Results in progress
All objectives were reached in the project, with deliverables completed as seen above.